Phone: 647-707-6320
St. Elizabeth Family Support Services (SEFSS)

Special Presentations Sponsored by the Canadian Red Cross

During this COVID-19 pandemic, SEFSS collaborated with Red Cross Canada to alleviate the impact of COVID-19 on low income families experiencing economic challenges. SEFSS has organized three different Zoom meetings with field experts to help friends & family reduce the challenges of COVID-19. We have organized online workshops with experts to educate, enlighten people on various topics during this COVID-19 pandemic.


"St Elizabeth Family Support Service are going a great job for the poor masses. They are practicing with what the bible says that anybody you have the power to help is your second person take care for such person. And I pray that St Elizabeth Family Support will be going higher in Jesus.  May God bless you all that are in that forum."

Adunni L.

"Hello I would like to say that St Elizabeth is doing an amazing program to support the community during this pandemic. For instance the Zoom meeting we had concerning mental health awareness and how to cope with mental health doing these pandemic. It was very interesting and there was lots of information shared and people turn out well the doctor answered all the questions very well. I like and appreciate what St Elizabeth is doing in our community during this pandemic period and I would like to join the team."

Elizabeth M.

Mental Health Awareness in a Pandemic



St. Elizabeth Family Support Services (SEFSS) is a Registered Canadian Charity under the Canada Revenue Agency. SEFSS provides services for individuals and families who are experiencing personal and social problems. Our primary service area is the Jane Street and Sheppard Avenue West area of Downsview in North York (Toronto), Ontario.

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